Q: What is the next step for students after they graduate from high school at Stanbridge?
A: There are numerous options available for Stanbridge graduates and a wealth of resources to assist students 和ir families with post-secondary transition. Our Director of College 咨询 and Transitions works with high school students and families to develop an individualized plan that works best for them. Most Stanbridge graduates matriculate to Bay Area universities, 社区学院, and vocational schools including the College of San Mateo and Foothill College, while some attend schools or private colleges out of state. Other students choose to enter the work force or participate in paid or volunteer internships or training 项目. 你可以 click here learn more about our Transitions Program, which helps our high school students 和ir families underst和 options available to them, and assists with ensuring that a postsecondary plan is in place before graduating. 虽然每个人的旅程都是独一无二的, 我们的校友网页 features in-depth stories that illustrate some of the postsecondary paths our graduates have taken, as well as a listing of schools and 项目 where Stanbridge graduates have found postsecondary success.
Q: Does the Stanbridge curriculum include occupational or speech therapy?
A: Stanbridge employs a full-time speech and language therapist. Qualification for speech and language therapy at Stanbridge is determined based on need. 语言治疗不需要额外收费. Click here to learn more about our speech and language program. Stanbridge does not have an occupational therapist, but families can make arrangements with outside occupational therapists to work with individual students at Stanbridge during the school day. Our physical education program focuses on fine motor and gross motor skills development, 以及平衡和协调. Our elementary and middle school students participate in physical education every day.
Q: What extracurricular activities are available?
A: Stanbridge offers a variety of extracurricular activities throughout the year. From high school dances and schoolwide assemblies, 去课外俱乐部和校际运动, there is always something happening at Stanbridge. 参观 项目 section of our website for details on afterschool enrichment clubs, 艺术, 体育运动, 暑期学校, 以及社区服务机会.
Q: Do students ever transition from Stanbridge to a public/mainstream school?
A: 是的. Some students choose to transition to another school after attending Stanbridge. Stanbridge provides them with a clearer understanding of their strengths, 挑战, 住宿需求, 学习方式. Because our students develop the necessary academic and self-advocacy skills, they are often able to find success in a larger school environment.
你可以 read more about the characteristics of a "typical" Stanbridge student on the 我们的学生 页面.
Q: How can my student commute to Stanbridge if we live outside of the San Mateo area?
A: 2024欧洲杯买球平台 attracts students throughout the Bay Area, and we work with families to make your student’s commute to and from school as easy as possible. Below are transportation options for families who do not live in the immediate area:
A: 没有问题. We're happy to answer any additional questions that you may have. 请联系 我们的招生办公室,650.375.5865,有任何后续问题.
Thank you for your interest in 2024欧洲杯买球平台!
A: There are numerous options available for Stanbridge graduates and a wealth of resources to assist students 和ir families with post-secondary transition. Our Director of College 咨询 and Transitions works with high school students and families to develop an individualized plan that works best for them. Most Stanbridge graduates matriculate to Bay Area universities, 社区学院, and vocational schools including the College of San Mateo and Foothill College, while some attend schools or private colleges out of state. Other students choose to enter the work force or participate in paid or volunteer internships or training 项目. 你可以 click here learn more about our Transitions Program, which helps our high school students 和ir families underst和 options available to them, and assists with ensuring that a postsecondary plan is in place before graduating. 虽然每个人的旅程都是独一无二的, 我们的校友网页 features in-depth stories that illustrate some of the postsecondary paths our graduates have taken, as well as a listing of schools and 项目 where Stanbridge graduates have found postsecondary success.
Q: Does the Stanbridge curriculum include occupational or speech therapy?
A: Stanbridge employs a full-time speech and language therapist. Qualification for speech and language therapy at Stanbridge is determined based on need. 语言治疗不需要额外收费. Click here to learn more about our speech and language program. Stanbridge does not have an occupational therapist, but families can make arrangements with outside occupational therapists to work with individual students at Stanbridge during the school day. Our physical education program focuses on fine motor and gross motor skills development, 以及平衡和协调. Our elementary and middle school students participate in physical education every day.
Q: What extracurricular activities are available?
A: Stanbridge offers a variety of extracurricular activities throughout the year. From high school dances and schoolwide assemblies, 去课外俱乐部和校际运动, there is always something happening at Stanbridge. 参观 项目 section of our website for details on afterschool enrichment clubs, 艺术, 体育运动, 暑期学校, 以及社区服务机会.
Q: Do students ever transition from Stanbridge to a public/mainstream school?
A: 是的. Some students choose to transition to another school after attending Stanbridge. Stanbridge provides them with a clearer understanding of their strengths, 挑战, 住宿需求, 学习方式. Because our students develop the necessary academic and self-advocacy skills, they are often able to find success in a larger school environment.
你可以 read more about the characteristics of a "typical" Stanbridge student on the 我们的学生 页面.
Q: How can my student commute to Stanbridge if we live outside of the San Mateo area?
A: 2024欧洲杯买球平台 attracts students throughout the Bay Area, and we work with families to make your student’s commute to and from school as easy as possible. Below are transportation options for families who do not live in the immediate area:
- 往返旧金山的班车服务
适合住在旧金山的家庭, a commuter van—driven by a Stanbridge staff member—provides a shuttle service to and from school every day. The San Francisco Commute Shuttle picks up and drops off at the Merced Branch Library on Winston Drive (corner of Stonecrest Drive across from Stonestown Galleria). On regular school days, the morning van dep艺术 at 7:15 a.m.; afternoon return arrives at approximately 3:45 p.m. Please note that the cost of this shuttle service is separate from tuition.
- 乘坐加州火车上下班
Many middle school and high school students commute by Caltrain, as Stanbridge is just blocks away from the San Mateo station. Stanbridge provides a morning and afternoon shuttle van service at no additional cost to and from the San Mateo Caltrain station for student riders.
- 拼车
Given the wide geographic footprint that we serve, Stanbridge encourages families to carpool. 尽管我们的人口相对较少, Stanbridge draws families from all over the Bay Area, 包括旧金山, 阿拉米达, 弗里蒙特, 圣克鲁斯, 圣荷西, 及以后. A directory of all families is available in the 家长门户 section* of our website to help facilitate arrangements (*this section of the site is password-protected for current Stanbridge families only).
A: 没有问题. We're happy to answer any additional questions that you may have. 请联系 我们的招生办公室,650.375.5865,有任何后续问题.
Thank you for your interest in 2024欧洲杯买球平台!